Govt Higher secondary school Zaloora Celebrates Annual Day Function

 Sagar Firdous 

Baramulla, December 02 (KNS): The Government Higher Secondary school zaloora today observed the enchanting celebration of “Annual Day Function-2023 at school Premises here.

Incharge Principal,Gh Nabi Ganaie graced the occasion as the Chief guest.

Among others, the function was also presided over by Rt.Headmaster Gh Mohodeen Lone,Rt.lec. Mohd Yousuf Lone,lec Haji Muneer Ahmad Lone,BDC Tujar cum sarpunch zaloora,Former Namberdar Mohd Maqbool Lone,Molvi Ajaz Ahmad Lone,Forester Altaf Hussain Lone along with teaching and non-teaching faculty members and students were present on the occassion.

In the starting,Under the supervision of physical exercise teacher Farhat Ahmad Bhat, the student contingent carried the school flag and marched past, the in-charge principal Ghulam Nabi along with the staff members took salute.

At the outset,Tariq Ahmad Lone Teacher of the higher secondary extended a warm welcome to the participants and other dignitaries.

Mean while Lec Mohd Yousuf Lone presented the Annual Report of the school.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe read out the academic and co-curricular achievements of the school.

This was followed by mesmerizing cultural events, including Kashmiri Rouf, gazals, dances and documentary of a variety of events that transpired during the current academic session which mesmerized the participants. 

On the occasion, the Dignitaries, in his address appreciated the efforts put in by the incumbent school principal, teaching and non-teaching faculty, students, and other stakeholders in taking this institution to new and unprecedented horizons.

They laid emphasis on the sanctity of educational institutions and role of teachers in moulding & shaping the character of students.

Furthermore, the best-performing students during the current year were given certificates of appreciation, medals, mementos and trophies by the hands of IC Principal GN  for their outstanding  performance in curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

At the end of the ceremony, vote of thanks were given by IC Principal GN to the participants.(KNS)

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