Delay in textbook distribution, MDM releases and ATD affecting education system: Basharat Bukhari

 Srinagar Mar 31 (KNS) : Expressing Concern over the "delay" in the textbook distribution in govt schools, Former Law Minister and People's Conference vice President (Media Head), Syed Basharat Bukhari said that students in government schools have not been provided text books even when the new accedenic session has already began which could hamper the studies of these students.  

In a statement, the Former Law Minister said  that amid boasting of record encrollments in government schools, the adminstration seems to have been underprepared to meet out the requirements of these students which could be the reason for non availability of the books in the schools. He also 

He also raised eyebrows over the extension of the last date in ATD of teachers and said extension till mid-April means the process would be completed  by May end which goes against govt's own policy of Annual transfer System.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

The People's Conference Senior leader also spoke about the mid-day meal liabilities and said,  releasing the payments after one year puts  extra and unnecessary burden on the pocket of the concerned heads of the institution and MDM in-charge teachers which in no way is acceptable. He said, many teachers have told him that they're being forced to purchase MDM material from their own pockets and then are being made to wait for one full year for the release. Mr. Bukhari said that such  ambitious schemes are not being run like this and added that if govt. does not have the resources then it should wind up the scheme, instead of putting the burden on the poor teachers. 

He urged the  administration to take things seriously if their intent of streamlining the education sector was really  genuine.(KNS) 

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