Amid surge in Covid cases, entry time at Srinagar Airport restricted to 3 hours

Officials say those who are not wearing masks will not be given entry to the airport

Officials say those who are not wearing masks will not be given entry to the airport

Srinagar, Jan 13 (KNS): The authorities at Srinagar International Airport on Thursday said that the entry time for passengers has been restricted to three hours and entry inside the airport will be given only upto three hours of flight departure time.

An official told Kashmir News Service (KNS) that the decision has been taken in view of the sudden spike in Covid-18 cases in Jammu and Kashmir and new guidelines will come into force from today onwards.

The official also said that all those passengers who are not wearing masks will not be given entry into the airport and all passengers are advised to maintain social distancing to avoid further spread of Covid infection.

Meanwhile, taking to micro-blogging site Twitter, Srinagar Airport on its official Twitter handle said that COVID disease is spreading very fast and the infection is more in crowded areas, so all our passengers are advised to maintain social distance and also wear mask at all times.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

It said that those who are not wearing face masks will not been given entry into the airport.

“Time of entry to the airport is maximum 3 hours before flight departure. Some passengers are coming 7-8 hours before flight. 

This increases crowd at the airport and also increases the risk of infection. Please come to the airport only upto three hours before flight,” it said in another Tweet.

It also said that entry to the airport shall be given only upto three hours before flight from today as this is necessary to control the congestion at the airport.

“We want to reduce the chance of infection Please cooperate with our security staff in maintaining access control at the airport,” Srinagar Airport Tweeted. (KNS)

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