Amid surge in Covid-19, SKIMS Soura puts on hold non-essential elective surgeries

Makes OPD tele consultation available for patients through landline numbers from Monday to Saturday

Makes OPD tele consultation available for patients through landline numbers from Monday to Saturday

Srinagar, Jan 14 (KNS): Amid surge in Covid-19 cases, the authorities at Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences (SKIMS) Soura on Friday put on hold non-essential elective surgeries and also made tele consultation for patients through landline numbers from Monday to Saturday 10am to 4PM.

According to an order, a copy of which lies with Kashmir News Service (KNS) SKIMS OPD tele consultation facilities have been made available for patients through landline numbers circulated in media and as per the roster copy from Monday to Saturday 10am to 4PM.

The order stated that the doctors will be providing consultation on phone and are free to call any patient for physical examination.

“Any consultation in OPD without prior appointment through tele consultation has been put on hold for the time being.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

It also stated that further, it has also been decided that non-essential elective surgeries have been put on hold till further orders. “Only Emergency, Semi-Emergency and Cancer surgeries or any surgery deemed essential by the treating teams are allowed. Routine admissions may be avoided as far as possible.”

It stated that Covid appropriate behavior has to be strictly adhered to at SKIMS and security officials will ensure and enforce implementation of CAB.

“Sanitation department will ensure disinfection of closed spaces which will be augmented by fogging of areas as per schedule and on need basis,” it reads. (KNS)

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