Vikar Rasool Wani welcomes hundreds into Congress Party

Questions the delay in holding elections in J&K

Questions the delay in holding elections in J&K

Srinagar Oct 14 (KNS):  The Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) President Vikar Rasool Wani on Saturday welcomed hundreds of political and social activists of Srinagar District into the Congress Party.

Wani termed the new joining an outcome of Congress Party’s pro people policies while appealing people to come forward to support Congress in its endeavor to seek redressal of people grievances.

JKPCC President welcomed hundreds of political and social activists led by social activist Irfan Ahmad into Congress, hoping that the new entrants will work hard to further strengthen the Party in their respective areas and serve people to the best of their abilities.

Talking to media on the sidelines of the function, JKPCC President said political leaders and workers from different political parties are joining Congress as they have realized that BJP and other political parties cannot do what Congress has done for the wellbeing of the people and inclusive development of India. It is the Congress Party which stands guarantee to equitable development of all sections of the people living in the country irrespective of their colour or religion.

Wani said BJP has betrayed people even after getting a second chance to rule the country, but could not fulfill the promises it has made to people before 2014 elections, rather many anti people measures and unexpected decisions taken by the ruling BJP led to the economic losses and backwardness of people.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelAll the promises made by the BJP have fallen flat, unemployment has broken all records, people are confronted with multiple issues especially economic distress, unprecedented price hike on essentials and lack of development. Though much has been said with regard to development, but the reality is the developmental process started by UPA Govt in J&K has received severe setbacks, Wani added.

How long people will be kept away from their democratic rights, Wani questioned and asked the BJP Govt to pave the way for holding elections in J&K rather than creating obstacles.  Election has to happen in J&K one day, but that will be the end of BJP’s betrayal and deceitful policies as that it (BJP) stands exposed for failing people on all counts and then mislead them for the lust of power.

On this occasion Senior Congress Leaders were present.(KNS)

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