Various delegations meet Azad, joined DPAP in Srinagar

‘Role of youth is immense and unavoidable if any society has to come out of cocoon and progress’

‘Role of youth is immense and unavoidable if any society has to come out of cocoon and progress’

Srinagar, April 4 (KNS): In a significant development, scores of youths from Sopore town on Thursday joined the Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP) in presence of party chairman Ghulam Nabi Azad. The joining took place at Srinagar main office. Various other delegations also met the party chairman who apprised him of their issues pertaining to development and social services.

Azad on the occasion said that DPAP is the party of youths and it encourages young minds and appreciate their contribution for the betterment of society.  “Politics is a noble cause if done properly. It gives immense chances to serve the people and serving people near to God is the best service rewarded. So, we encourage the youth in party and ensure they grow on merit not on nepotism,” he said.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe told the newly joined youths that whosoever shows the performance the party will reward him accordingly. 

Mr Azad said that over the last two years, DPAP has a huge joining of youths from every part of the Union Territory which is encouraging. He said unlike other parties DPAP will never encourage dynastic politics, nepotism and favoritism and crush the merit. However, it will only think and work on merit and push forward people who deserve the most. Mr Azad said that the role of youth is immense and unavoidable if any society has to come out of cocoon and progress. He said DPAP will work in multiple dimensions and ensure the youth of Jammu Kashmir have abundant opportunities to grab and grow, if elected to power.(KNS)

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