Training on Food Security organized for Range officers, ADFPF of South Kashmir forest circle

Srinagar, Mar 09 (KNS): A three days training-cum-capacity building program for Territorial Range officers and one Assistant Director FPF of Kashmir South Circle was organized from March 07 to 09 in collaboration with JKIMPARD Srinagar on Food Security through Forestry and Agricultural Landscapes: Way Forward.
In a statement, issued to Kashmir News Service (KNS), a spokesperson said that during the training program, the trainees were sensitised towards role of forests in food security and sustainable living, made aware  of various government schemes and interventions being carried out at the grassroots and at macro-level, implementation of National Food Security Act / Policy etc. 
The statement reads that they were also taken to the Kisan Mela 2022 at SKUAST-K where they appreciated different stalls and Agro- Technologies for livelihood generation.
“Ten Range officers and One Assistant Director, FPF (Anantnag) of Kashmir South Circle participated in this training program. During the training program many policy makers, officers, scientists and domain experts delivered lectures on specific issues related to the Training theme.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
It reads the Conservator of Forests South Kashmir Irfan Ali Shah was the Chief Guest at the valedictory function of the program today afternoon on behalf of the Forest Department. 
He in his address impressed upon all Range officers to internalize the training inputs for a more broad-based integrated working in the field  with other line departments as well as grassroots level institutions.
He also thanked Saurabh Bhagat, DG JKIMPARD for grooming JKIMPARD into a par excellence Institution. 
He also thanked Dr Bilal Bhat, Training Coordinator for his support and due efforts he put in for successful conduct of this training program. He also thanked the PCCF( HOFF), Dr Mohit Gera and APCCF Kashmir T Rabi Kumar for the guidance and support.
The forest employees of South Kashmir have expressed delight for conducting such training programs for South Kashmir Forest officers. (KNS)

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