Sheikh Mohammad Imran dismayed over power curtailments in the Valley

‘Admin must ensure uninterrupted electricity supply during the last days of Ramadan’

‘Admin must ensure uninterrupted electricity supply during the last days of Ramadan’

SRINAGAR, April 22 (KNS): Former Deputy Mayor SMC and J&K People’s Conference State Youth President on Friday expressed profound discontent over the faulty and sporadic electricity supply during the auspicious month of Ramadan across Kashmir division.

In his statement to Kashmir News Service (KNS), Imran said the recurrent power outages have plunged valley into darkness while making people to face immense inconvenience especially during the Sehri and Iftaar times when the electricity is needed the most.

“I have received numerous distress calls from across the valley complaining about the deplorable electricity services.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelPeople are grappling with numerous problems due to the irksome situation created by these unscheduled power blackouts. This is something unprecedented. Most of the population in valley has been forced to resort to the use of candles and torches particularly at pre-dawn hours. This remains in contrast to the claims that are being professed about self-sufficiency in electricity generation and round the clock power supplies,” he said.

While urging the concerned authorities to shun negligence towards public miseries, Imran said the onus lies on the administration to take necessary steps for bailing the people out of this hapless condition.

“People have to face tough times in the peak hours of Sehri, Iftaar and Fajr prayers. It is appalling that instead of ensuring hassle-free power supply during this month, PDD is busy in carving out a time-table for forced electricity shutdowns. I urge the concerned authorities not to push common man to the wall and put forth requisite efforts to provide uninterrupted power supply across the division especially during these last 10 days of Ramadan,” he said.(KNS)

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