Saut-i-Kashmir Gayoor day observed in Jammu

Reconciliation between two communities was the main focus of the function

Reconciliation between two communities was the main focus of the function

Srinagar March 15 (KNS):  An impressive function in memory of Ghulam Rasool Gayoor under the title of Youm-e Saut-i-Jashmir was organized by Gayoor Foundation in collaboration with J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Language in K. L. Saigal Hall of cultural Academy complex in Jammu .

Dr. Darakshan Andrabi , Chariman J&K Waqf Board particioated as a chief guest on the occasion and Secretary JK Cultural Academy Bharat Singh as hugest of honours, while as Prof P. N.Trisal , Linguist and Educationist Presided over the function and A.K.Naaz , a prominent poet of Kashmiri & Er Syed Showkat Gayoor Andrabi, Chairman Gayoor Foundation & Member for National Minority Commission shared the dice as well.
 Dr Darakhshan Andrabi while speaking on the occasion paid rich tributes to Saut-i-Kashmir late Syed Ghulam Rasool Gayoor Gayoor for his social, Political, literary , cultural & other contributions towards the society and striving towards the end of communal harmony alongwith his rich poetic creations in Kashmiri, Urdu, Arabic & Persian . She also appreciated the efforts of the Gayoor Foundation for working towards communal harmony ,brotherhood and amity amongst the various sections of the society in Jammu & Kashmir .  

A paper on the life and literary works of Saut-i-Kashmir was presented by Sahaitya Academy award recipient Wali Muhammad Aseer Kishtwari and prominent singers of UT including Qaiser Nizami , Deepali Wattal and Zahida Taranum recited poems of Saut-i-Kashmir Gayoor to the jam-packed audiences.
The welcome address was delivered by the founder & Chairman of Gayoor Foundation Er Syed Showkat Gayoor Andrabi who threw light on the goal of the organization to promote reconciliation between various communities especially the natives residing in Kashmir and the Kashmiri Pandit migrant community and also bridging the gap between various sections of the society in the UT. The proceedings were conducted by Vijay Wali, General Secretary of the organization for Jammu province.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThose who spoke on the occasion including Patron Gayoor foundation Dr. Ayash Arif, Vice president Dr. Rattan Lal Talashi, Dr Shahnaz Qadri, and Er Wali Muhammad Dar, Advisor National Human Rights Commission who threw their views regarding the reconciliation between the two communities & paid rich tributes to Saut-i-Kashmir Syed Ghulam Rasool Gayoor. Beides large number of people from all walks of life including a delegation of National Human Rights & Social Justice Council of India lead by it’s Director General Adv. M.I.Zargar also attended the function .The speaker’s on the occasion paid rich tributes to late G.R.Gayoor and remembered him for sacrificing his life for the cause of National integration and human brotherhood and also appreciated his contribution to Urdu and Kashmiri literature in Jammu & Kashmir. Amongst others who participated the function are Vice President Gayoor foundation Shabir Ahmad Shah, Advisors SGM Andrabi Kreeri & Er Wali Muhammad Dar, Dr Chooni Lal Koul, Dr Hussain, Prof Ferdous Raina, Mir Muhammad Akram, Assalamualikum Allaie, Shadab, Gulab Saifi, S N Rai, 

 A poetic symposium was also organized on the occasion which was presided over by P.N.Shad and Prithpal Singh Betab was chief guest for this event. Those who recited their poetry in the multilingual symposium included B, K, Sanyasi , Bashir ul Haq, Er Showkat Gayoor Andrabi, Rajinder Agosh , Kusum Dhar Sharda, Nancy Chetna , Dildar Mohan , Fouzia Mughal , Santosh Nadan , Ramesh Nirash, Satish Safeer ,G.N.Dilshad, Aseer Kishtwari, M.K.Koul and others.
Dr Shahnawaz Cultural Officer J&k Academy of Art, Culture and Languages paid also rich tributes to Saut-i-Kashmir Syed Ghulam Rasool Gayoor Andrabi & offered vote of thanks.

Syed Ghulam Rasool Gayoor Andrabi was assassinated by un-known gunman on 22nd of Oct 2005, at his native place at Ratnipora. He was a renowned scholar, academician, Poet, writer, Journalist, journalist, social reformer & a political activist. (KNS) 

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