Sajad Lone saddened over passing away of Ghulam Ahmad Kumar of Handwara

Srinagar, May 27 (KNS): J&K Peoples Conference Chairman Sajad Gani Lone Monday expressed sadness over passing away of Ghulam Ahmad Kumar of Handwara.

The deceased was a noble and philanthropic figure of north Kashmir’s Kupwara who was running an orphanage in Handwara.

In his message, Lone said “sad to hear about passing away of Ghulam Ahmad Kumar sahib of village Wadipora, Handwara. Popularly known as Kumar sahib he spent his entire life grooming those who had been less fortunate in life”.

“He spent a lifetime setting up institutions for those who had lost their parents at young age.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelOrphanages as they are called in the social parlance. He set up an orphanage dedicated to groom and educate orphans,” Lone said.

Paying rich tributes to the services of deceased, Lone said “Kumar sahib was dedicated colleague of my late father who worked hard with him closely. Besides he worked with me too as a guiding figure”.

He said it is very rare to a find a person as selfless and as devoted as Kumar sahib.

He expressed his heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family, especially his daughter. “May Allah grant him jannat. May he rest in peace,” he added. (KNS) 

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