Sagar cautions administration against complacency in combating 3rd Covid wave

Asks people to abide by government advisories

Asks people to abide by government advisories

Srinagar, Jan 15 (KNS): The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference General Secretary Ali Muhammad Sagar has cautioned the administration against any complacency in its efforts in combating third Covid wave in J&K. 

In a statement issued to KNS, Sagar said that tall claims made by the administration on its preparedness to take up the challenge and commitment to employ all tools to defeat the deadly pandemic didn’t match the situation on ground during previous Covid waves. "I hope the administration has learnt lessons from the previous waves," he said. 

Cautioning the government against taking arbitrary decisions, Sagar said that there is no point closing the OPDs of government hospitals. “The order to close OPDs will inevitably cause more deaths than Covid19. The order must be rescinded and the government must ensure that CAB is followed in letter and spirit.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel”  

He has also expressed concern over the non-availability of vaccines at various PHCs and other health centres at various upper reaches in North and South Kashmir villages. 

He has demanded that in the battle against deadly epidemic leadership roles be assigned to a senior officer, so that a sense of accountability is inculcated and responsibility fixed for lapses, if any, in meeting the challenge. 

He also urged the divisional administration to keep the food supply chain operative, check panic buying and hoarding to avoid difficulties to the people in all red zones. Sagar also implored upon the people to abide by the COVID-19 protocol and concerned government advisories saying the imminent challenge can be surmounted if people keep inside and take precautionary measures as advised by the concerned agencies. (KNS)

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