Ramban delegation calls on Apni Party President Altaf Bukhari

Raise issues like unemployment, poverty, rehabilitation of fire victims

Raise issues like unemployment, poverty, rehabilitation of fire victims

Srinagar, Oct 06 (KNS): A delegation of prominent social activists led by Sheetal Singh from Seri-Ramban on Wednesday called on Apni Party President Syed Mohammad Altaf Bukhari at the Party office in Lal Chowk Srinagar.

The delegation that met Bukhari in presence of Mr. Prem Lal, former MLA and Apni Party district President Kathua and Iqbal Krishan Maski senior vice president district Kathua apprised the Party President about various pressing issues being faced by the people in Ramban especially the rising graph of poverty, unemployment and lack of basic amenities.  

The delegation regretted that despite using natural resources of district Ramban; the companies that execute and run hydropower projects in the district do not give priority to the local youth in its recruitment process. “It is unfortunate that our youth are unemployed despite the fact that the water and land resources of Ramban are being utilized by the power companies,” Singh briefed during his meeting with Bukhari.

He said that the government seems non-serious in alleviation of poverty level in the district and no steps are being taken to address the depressing economic scenario in the region.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel“We have different companies like IRCON, Northern Railways and others who execute mega projects in the district but unfortunately the local youth despite being skilled have been left high and dry,” he added.

The delegation also sought the intervention of Apni Party President in the rehabilitation of 32 families whose houses got damaged in a fire incident at Ardpora Walu Mohu tehsil Khari district Ramban recently.

The delegation also thanked Apni Party president for his vision and policies that have laid the foundation of Apni Party in Jammu and Kashmir. “People admire the practical approach of Apni Party and appreciate its plans for holistic development in Jammu and Kashmir. We support your vision and want to work under your leadership,” Singh opined.  

Bukhari assured the delegation that he will take up all the issues with the concerned quarters in the government and will try his best to get them resolved as per the wishes and aspirations of the people of Ramban district. (KNS)

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