Rahul Gandhi’s disqualification blatant misuse of power: G.A. Mir

Says BJP Can’t fight RG Politically

Says BJP Can’t fight RG Politically

Anantnag March 24 (KNS):  Rahul Gandhi’s disqualification from Lok Sabha is a blatant misuse of power by Modi Govt as it can’t fight him politically. India has never witnessed such vendetta politics and dictatorial rule.

Former J&K Pradesh Congress  Committee (JKPCC) President and AICC Observer Ghulam Ahmad Mir made these comments while reacting to unethical move of the Parliament to disqualify Rahul Gandhi on the behest of Modi Govt for speaking truth.
Mir said the Prime Minister is not able to face the truth given his policies and deep nexus with some Corporates at the cost of the Nation, so the disqualification of Rahul Ji was planned by the Govt to divert the attention from the issues he (Rahul Gandhi) was raising in and outside Parliament.
We as law-abiding citizens respect the courts, but at the sametime, the Congress Party won’t allow the Modi Govt to undermine the Institutions in the country and use these for power.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelMir said.

The rank and file of the Congress Party strongly condemn Modi Govt for unleashing vendetta politics against the opposition especially Rahul Gandhi, such misadventures and intimidation of opposition won’t deter Congress Party from raising the corruption and favoritism by the Modi Govt, Mir said.
Rahul Gandhi has paid the price for fighting the dictatorial Government, he will move on and continue fighting for the Country and this fight will continue, Former JKPCC President added.

Mir further said that Modi Govt even after misusing Parliament against Rahul Gandhi cannot silence him, his (RG’s)dramatic disqualification has further exposed Modi Govt. (KNS) 

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