PHQ promotes 15 ASIs, 04 HCs to the next rank

DGP J&K congratulates promotees, their families

DGP J&K congratulates promotees, their families

Jammu, February 25 (KNS): The Jammu & Kashmir Police Headquarters has issued promotion orders in respect 15 Assistant Sub-Inspectors of J&K Police Executive Cadre and 04 HCs of J&K Police Ministerial Executive Cadre to the next rank under different orders.  In-situ promotion in favour of 04 Sub-Inspectors of J&K Police Ministerial Executive Cadre was also sanctioned.


As recommended by the Departmental Promotion Committee and after thorough scrutiny of the service records, promotion in respect of 15 Assistant Sub-Inspectors of Jammu and Kashmir Police Executive Cadre to the rank of Sub-Inspectors and 04 Head Constables of Jammu and Kashmir Police Ministerial Executive Cadre has been promoted to the rank of Assistant Sub-Inspectors (M) vide two different orders of PHQ J&K.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel


The Director General of Police J&K  Dilbag Singh has congratulated the promoted officers & their families and hoped that the officers would continue to work with zeal and zest.(KNS)

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