PHDCC&I Delegation Welcomes Khalid Majeed, Director Industries & Commerce Kashmir.

Srinagar November 20 (KNS): The PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industries Kashmir delegation, headed by its esteemed Chair A P Vicky Shaw along with Co Chair Himayu Wani, Sajad Shah, Mr Mushtaq Ahmad Mir and Deputy Director Iqbal Fayaz Jan gathered today to formally welcome and felicitate Mr Khalid Majeed (JKAS) Director Industries and Commerce Kashmir . The occasion was marked by a presentation of a memento as a token of appreciation. 

During the meeting, the Director Industries expressed his commitment to providing every possible assistance towards fostering an environment conducive to ease of doing business. Recognizing the significance of the PHDCCI expertise and experience, he sought the inputs and suggestions of the delegation in creating a friendly ecosystem for investors.

The PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry Kashmir representing a diverse range of businesses and industries, eagerly embraced the opportunity to collaborate with the Director Industries.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThe delegation expressed their gratitude for his proactive approach and willingness to engage with the private sector.

“We are delighted to have had the opportunity to welcome and felicitate Mr Khalid Majid the Director  Industries said Mr Vicky Shaw  Chair of the PHDCCI- Kashmir. “His commitment to facilitating a business-friendly environment and seeking our inputs is a testament to his dedication and vision. We look forward to working closely with him to create an ecosystem that attracts and supports investors in Kashmir region.”(KNS)

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