PC surges forward in Karnah as Sajad Lone welcomes new members from diverse political thoughts

Srinagar, Feb 6 (KNS):  Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Conference welcomed a group of prominent political and social activists from Chowkibal area of the Karnah constituency into its ranks today. The joining ceremony was graced by the presence of Party Chief Sajad Gani Lone.

The newly joined members, hailing from varied political thoughts, received a warm welcome from PC President, who described their joining as a realization of the party's tireless commitment to public engagement and its vision for development.

In his address, he emphasized the party's dedication to the holistic progress and welfare of the people of Jammu and Kashmir, reaffirming its stance on providing equitable opportunities for all.

PC President also remarked that the region has huge potential for tourism, which regrettably has remained untapped for decades due to neglect from successive governments.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

"Peoples Conference is determined to unlock the economic potential in the region leveraging the natural beauty bestowed upon them. With the right policies, these areas can emerge as thriving tourist destinations," he remarked.

The new members expressed gratitude for the warm welcome extended by the Party President and pledged to bolster the party's grassroots presence.

Additionally, party leaders present at the occasion included Constituency Head Handwara Ashiq Hussain, DDC Chowkibal Habibulah Beigh and District Youth Vice President Rahil Dar.(KNS)

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