Pak based handler among 4 chargesheeted in Srinagar in terror case

Srinagar, Dec 11(KNS): Counter Intelligence Kashmir (CIK) on Monday said that it filed a charge sheet against pak based Jaish-e-Mohammad Terror Module before the NIA Court in Srinagar.

As per the statement, the involvement of Pakistani terrorist Ab. Rehman @ Riyaz @ Umar & Jigar @ Ashfaq @ Luqman Ali, along with three associates in the Kashmir valley, namely Junaid-ul-Islam, Sheikh Najmu Saqib, and Waseem Ferooz Sheikh. 

"The case, FIR No. 06/2023, U/S 153-A, 505, 121 & 120-B IPC r/w 13 & 39 UA(P) Act, was registered at Police Station CI Kashmir based on credible information about their intentions to disturb the peace and challenge the sovereignty of Union of India in Jammu and Kashmir," it said.

The investigation uncovered that the Pakistani terrorist handler, under the influence of ISI, created an OGWS module to lure youths into taking up arms against India's sovereignty. The accused extensively used encrypted internet messaging platforms and social media applications to communicate and radicalize individuals.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelThe primary aim was to recruit and use youth as couriers for arms and ammunition, as well as psychotropic substances, with the intention of disturbing peace across the valley.

The handlers in Pakistan persistently attempted to create new terror modules through instigation, enticement, and implied coercion. Some youths resisted, showcasing their disinterest in working as part of OGWS and resisting attempts to radicalize them.

"The investigation revealed that the recruitment strategy included incitement/luring of youths with promises of paradise after martyrdom, along with worldly rewards. An appeal was made to the parents and youth of Kashmir to remain vigilant and not succumb to such incitements.

After thorough investigation, a prima facie case has been established against four accused persons, including the Pakistani terror handler Ab. Rehman @ Riyaz @ Umar & Jigar @ Ashfaq @ Luqman Ali. Legal proceedings under section 299 of Cr. PC have been initiated," it added.(KNS).

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