Nomads start migrating back to planes from upper reaches in J&K

Sajjad Iqbal 

Rajouri, Sept 20 (KNS): The nomad locally known as Gujjar and Bakerwals have started returning to planes as the temperature has started dipping at the higher reaches of Jammu and Kashmir where they migrate during summers along with their livestock amid struggle. 

Some of the nomads, who have started migrating back to planes told Kashmir News Service (KNS) that it will tale them at least one or two months to reach back to planes. 

They said that they have to face a lot difficulties in the higher reaches as well as planes as they have to confront different temperatures and lack of facilities.

They said that on of the major difficulties they have to face is that if any of their livestock gets sick or injured during migration their burden increases as they have to carry it along with them.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel 

Same is the story of Mohammad Azam, who hails from Rajouri district. 

Talking to KNS, he said that his Buffalo got injured in the upper reaches, where he had migrated along with his livestock during summer season.

Azam said that he could not have left her to die there and he requested his friends and relatives to help him in lifting the injured buffalo along with them.

He said that they carried the buffalo on their shoulders on a wooden stretcher and traversed through tedious treks to reach their destination. (KNS)

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