No room for emotional politics in JKAP: Altaf Bukhari

Srinagar, Dec 07 (KNS): Apni Party President and former minister Syed Altaf Bukhari on Monday reiterated that restoration of statehood, protection of land and job rights and to ensure other developmental works at grassroots level are party’s core agenda and said there is no room for emotional politics in the party.
Talking to reporters on the sidelines of party convention in central Kashmir’s Chadoora, Bukhari said that JKAP is doing politics of truth and legitimacy. “JKAP believes in politics of truth. There is no room for politics of deceit and exploitation”, he said.
He said that party’s core agenda is to fight for restoration of statehood to J&K, protecting land and job rights to local domicile and ensuring other developmental works at grassroots level in Jammu and Kashmir.
“JKAP doesn’t believe in politics of exploitation and emotions. We believe in politics of truth, reality and people-friendly”, he told reporters.
Bukhari maintained that JKAP will try to restore the respectability of people of Jammu and Kashmir.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
Without naming signatories of People’s Alliance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD), the JKAP President said that they (PAGD) should introspect about what they did in past with people of J&K for the sake of power and now naming us “B team” of BJP will not deter us from doing “emotion-free” politics.
“They have nothing adverse to say against us as we are not involved in scams and misappropriations. That is why they are naming us B-team of BJP etc etc”, Bukhari said and added, “It is people who will decide who is A-team and B-team”.
Hitting hard to NC, Bukhari said that it was Late Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah who accorded with Congress in 1975 for the sake of power. Further it remained part of NDA Government led by Late Vajpayee Ji. So history cannot be reversed by their rhetoric. They remained “B-teams” in all these years to remain in power corridors. (KNS) 

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