Nizamuddin Bhat appeals Centre, UT to release JK detenues

Jammu, Jan 24 (KNS):  Former legislator and senior Peoples Conference leader Nizamuddin Bhat has appealed Union Government and LG administration to release detenues from Jammu and Kashmir in view of suffering and trauma of their families , besides status , background  and nature of charges of each  individual. 

According to  a statement issued here, Bhat said most of the detenues are languishing since years and many like religious clerics from shopian are apparently not involved in serious offences . 

He said those who have been booked under UAPA or sedition and are in custody with or without trial also deserve compassionate review  of their cases as many of them are minors , women and aged with minor charges. 

Bhat said prolonged absence of bread earners  particularly have crippled various families economically and are living a miserably deprived life.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel  Many have been out of reach for their families because of the detentions in outside jails and lack of resources . 

Referring to amnesty granted by governments at various occasions to militants , stone pelters and political activists, Bhat said present dispensation could also adopt a humane approach as a matter of relief to families in difficulty and distress. 

Bhat said that Republic Day provides a right occasion for the government at the centre to extend a helping hand as respect to country’s constitution which guarantees welfare of citizens with a space to reform and live with honour and dignity.(KNS)

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