Mubarak Gul visits bereaved family of slain policemen at Danmar, Eidgah

Says Kashmiris have traditionally loathed violence of all hues

Says Kashmiris have traditionally loathed violence of all hues

Srinagar May 08:(KNS) The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference senior leader and Former Speaker Mubarak Gul on Sunday visited Danmar Syedpora, Eidgah to sympathise and condole with the grief- stricken family of slain policeman Ghulam Hassan Dar.

Gul, who was accompanied by the party's local unit functionaries offered Fatiha for the departed soul and prayed for needed strength to the bereaved to bear the inconsolable loss.
While consoling the bereaved family, Gul said, "No words are strong enough to condemn such dastardly acts.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelSuch gruesome killings have no place in the emancipated societies. Such acts of violence have traditionally been unfamiliar and loathed in our culture. Violence only leads to violence. This vicious circle has to end," he said.
He impressed upon the government to ensure that the next to kin of deceased are looked after. (KNS) 

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