Minor boy found dead at his home in Uri, police suspect suicide

 Nadeem Khawaja Uri

Srinagar, Mar 11 (KNS): A 10-year-old boy was found dead at his home in Bonyar area of Uri in Baramulla district even as the police were suspecting it as a case of suicide.


A police official told Kashmir News Service (KNS) that the boy was found dead at his home, following which locals informed the police. "Apparently, it seems suicide, however, we are ascertaining the facts," he said.


He said that the body has sent for postmortem to know the cause of death.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel"After completing all the legal and medical formalities, the body will be handed over to the family for last rites," he said.


Meanwhile, the official said that police have started inquest proceedings into the matter to know the actual cause of death. "Apparently it looks like a suicide, however, murder angle cannot be ruled out as well," he said. (KNS)


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