Mehbooba Mufti concerned over issues faced by Self Help Groups

Ganderbal, 23 September(KNS): Reacting sharply to present regime's abhorrent administrative unconcernedness towards issues concerning  Ganderbal district, JK People's Party Chief Sheeban Ashai today demanded immediate construction of new bridge over Nallah Sindh in Shallabugh, repair of old one at Sumbal.

 Ashai in a statement said, "What explains delay in providing basic infrastructure to common citizens when Government leaves no occasion to tom-tom about its soi-disant ostensible achievements, post 5th August 2019. Ashai voiced concern for residents of Shallabugh village who face immense problems due to unavailability of proper bridge over Nallah Sindh. 


He stated that women folk, elderly people and farmers have to risk their lives everytime they traverse the temporary wooden bridge to reach  fields on other side. 


According to locals wooden bridge is in dilapidated condition and can collapse anytime.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelAshai demanded construction of a new bridge over Nallah Sindh in Shallabugh village to connect people of the area directly with Srinagar District. He also highlighted ramshackle state of bridge connecting Sumbal- Hariganiwan area with Srinagar-Leh national Highway. Sumbal bridge in tehsil gund of Central Kashmir's Ganderbal is in damaged condition and poses threat to hundreds of vehicles plying every day. Locals have many a times approached authorities for repair of same as it's connects vital areas of Surfraw, Hariganiwan and Sumbal to main highway besides providing cardinal-alternate route for people commuting on Srinagar- Leh Highway. 


Ashai solicited immediate intervention at highest level to ensure repair of old bridge Sumbal and construction of new one at Shallabugh. He exhorted authorities to rise up to people's issue as they are duty bound to ease day to day problems of common masses. Ashai entreated LG Manoj Sinha led administration to focus of grass root issues which often owing to law and order situation are either neglected or put on back burner". Party top brass too expressed support for legitimate demands of Ganderbal district and sought immediate redressal of both issues by authorities at the soonest.(KNS)

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