Lack of basic amenities in sub-District Handwara, administrative nonchalance unacceptable- Sheeban Ashai

JK People's Party demands road for Zaferkhani, Check Sarmarg villages of North Kashmir

JK People's Party demands road for Zaferkhani, Check Sarmarg villages of North Kashmir

Kupwara September 28 (KNS):   Expressing disgust over current state of affairs in Kupwara District, JK People's Party Chief Sheeban Ashai deprecated administrative lacuna; bureaucratic uncorncernedness under current regime.  Pointing out cases of Zaferkhani and Check Sarmarg villages of North Kashmir's Handwara sub district, Ashai questioned who is responsible for unnecessary hardships of common citizens? He said, " Area of Zaferkhani has more than 150 households but due to lack of road connectivity people from one part of the village to another are forced to walk through dense forest.
Administration had earlier approved construction  of a road for said village but no one knows why the project was shelved. Same is the case with residents of Check Sarmarg where a road constructed under NREGA, about eight years back is left un-macamamized since it's very construction.
During course of construction only earth work was carried out and no macadamization has taken place on the road, over past eight years.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelAlmost 100 metres of said road has caved in but authorities simply haven't cared enough for timely repair or macadamization of road thereby causing unnecessary problems for citizens of the area. Ashai lambasted tall claims of development under present LG regime post unconstitutional, undemocratic manouvers of 5th August 2019. He demanded immediate repair of Sarmarg road and construction of new one for Zaferkhani Village,  Handwara. Current times are excruciatingly distressing as people are suffering for basic necessities of life in absence of an elected Government". JK People's Party leadership assured residents of respective villages of full assistance on behalf of the party.  District administration Kupwara and present regime must expeditiously ensure construction; upgradation work in both villages is undertaken on war footing to save citizens of respective areas from any further inconvenience.(KNS)

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