KTA demands strict implementation of Covid guidelines

Biz community cannot afford repeated lockdowns: Ajaz Shahdhar

Biz community cannot afford repeated lockdowns: Ajaz Shahdhar

Srinagar, Jan 12 (KNS): Kashmir Trade Alliance (KTA) president Ajaz Shahdhar today urged the provincial administration to ensure implementation of Covid19 guidelines, standard operating procedures and Covid appropriate practices in hospitals, markets, government offices and other places.

The KTA president assured full support to the concerned authorities. He said the traders would extend full cooperation to the Administration in this regard.

The Kashmir Trade Alliance appealed to the people and traders to adhere strictly to the Covid guidelines and SOPs.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Kashmir Trade Alliance President Ajaz Shahdhar said that the traders need to be vigilant in this possible third wave so that the process of previous lockdowns is not repeated. He said the business community had suffered losses to the tune of hundreds of crore in the last three years and cannot effort one more lockdown. (KNS)

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