KNS Impact: General surgery facility re-start in Trauma Hospital Pattan

Locals lauded and appreciated the work of  News Agency KNS

Locals lauded and appreciated the work of  News Agency KNS

Mohammad Lateef Bhat

Baramulla July 12: (KNS)  The demand of public in regard to restart of General surgery facility in Trauma Hospital Pattan, has fullfilled by Health Services Kashmir within short time.

The progress comes four days after news agency "Kashmir News Service(KNS) carried a comprehensive story on the non functional  of general surgical procedure  at Trauma Hospital.

Following the news report, the concerned authorities swung into action and has restart the general surgeries for patients in Hospital, as patients were face inconvenivence.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

Meanwhile' the locals of area   thanked to Additional Chief Secretary Atul Dullu, Director Health services Kashmir Dr MA Rather and BMO Pattan Dr Mastoora Akhter, and highly lauded and appreciated the news agency KNS for highlighting this issue.(KNS)

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