JKPM holds workers meeting at Aragam Chittibandi

Bandipora, Dec 25 (KNS): Jammu and Kashmir People's Movement today held a workers meeting at Aragam Chittibandi Bandipora. JKPM President Dr Gh Mustafa Khan presides the workers meeting in presence of Cheif Organiser of JKPM Mir Mudasir Rashid and Adl. General Secretary Javid Ahmad and other senior citizens of Aragam Chittibandi. 

JKPM president Dr Gh Mustafa Khan addressed the workers meeting and informed about the new developmental work's going on in the Chittibandi area since last year and insisted people not to come under the trap of Gujjar Maha Sabha which is an organization of BJP and RSS and other communal forces.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel 

JKPM Cheif Organiser Mir Mudasir Rashid addressed the workers meeting and requested people of Chittibandi to strengthen the JKPM on grassroot level and also come in open support for JKPM President Dr Gh Mustafa Khan in upcoming assembly elections to defeat the communal parties and it's allies. 

JKPM Adl. General Secretary Javid Ahmad also addressed the workers meeting at Argam Chittibandi and stressed up on the people especially Gujjar and Phari Communities not to come under the trap of BJP and it's divisive agenda to divide the Gujjar and Phari Communities for their Political and vested interests. (KNS)

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