J&K lecturers forum convenes meeting in Srinagar, discusses important issues

Srinagar, Aug 30 (KNS): A meeting of Jammu and Kashmir lecturers forum was held under the chairmanship of its president Syed Fayaz at  Srinagar, wherein besides central body, district presidents of some districts also participated

In a statement, issued to Kashmir News Service (KNS), a spokesperson said that the meeting was called to discuss the way forward for the resolution of long pending issues of the Lecturer fraternity, especially regularization of In-Charge lecturers, ACP, Charge Allowance, Look after system, filling of vacant posts and updating of Database of lecturers. 

The statement reads that while sharing his views, the president elaborated the role of Lecturer community in successful  implementation of NEP-2020.

He stressed upon every lecturer to study the policy deeply and come-up with their concrete suggestions for successful implementation of the policy in the UT.

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It reads that to strengthen the organization, some important decisions were taken.

The statement reads that the chief organiser, Harpal Singh Pali was authorised to initiate the process of establishing the District Level bodies through an electoral collage.

“The process shall get completed by the end of September 2021. The General Secretary of the Forum Mir Fayaz in consultation with his counterpart in Jammu, shall work-out the strategy to strengthen the linkage between the two bodies so that the combined efforts could be put-up in resolution of the issues. There shall be monthly virtual meeting of the forum on every 2nd Sunday of the month,” it reads.

It reads that district presidents have been advised to try to reach every lecturer, to understand their issues and gear-up their efforts in making organisation more stronger at grassroot level. (KNS)

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