Awantipora, Dec 11 (KNS): Senior Faculty member of Islamic University of Science and Technology (IUST) has contributed to the recent report published jointly by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) of United Nations.
As per a statement, issued to Kashmir News Service (KMS), Dr Basharat Nabi Dar, Assistant Professor, Department of Food Technology has contributed as a technical expert of the “Expert Meeting on Microbiological Risk Assessment (JEMRA) on Food Safety and Quality.”
The statement reads that the report has been widely recognised. “Dr Basharat is a member of JEMRA, which is a joint international scientific expert group of FAO and WHO and was appointed as an expert on the joint panel on the ‘prevention and control of microbiological hazards in fresh fruits and vegetables’ in July this year.”
While sharing the details about the report, Dar said that the focus of the report is to identify and characterize fresh fruits and vegetables and microbiological hazard combinations of concern to public health.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
“The team scrutinized the whole procedure from primary production in open fields and protected facilities through to minimal processing, transportation, distribution and point-of-sale and identified problem areas and subsequent measures to address and avoid potential microbiological contamination,” he added.
The team comprised leading scientists from around the world and these experts encapsulated the food safety concerns related to fresh, ready-to-eat and minimally processed fruits and vegetables.
Elizabeth A. Bihn, Senior Extension Associate in the Department of Food Science at Cornell University (USA), chaired the expert meeting, and Pascal Delaquis affiliated with Agriculture and Agri-Food, Canada served as the rapporteur.
As per the statement the university has congratulated Dr Basharat over this achievement. (KNS)