Islamia College Hosting Ideation Contest For Students to Inculcate Ideation, Startup Culture

 Srinagar, Oct 31(KNS) : In view  of   implementation of NEP 2020 in the  UT  of J&K the Department of  Higher  Education  is  having  a  special  focus  for  Skill and  Innovation. NEP 2020 envisages fostering of an innovation culture  and  providing of enabling atmosphere to encourage  ideation and  startup  in our students. 

The fact is that our youth  are full of innovative ideas. They need a platform to nurture and hand hold their  ideas to find solution to our day to day problems and  thereby  start  their  own  entrepreneurship journey. 

It is in this context that Islamia College Innovation and Incubation Hub Centre (ICSC-IIC) is organizing an innovative Mobile Application Idea Competition under the title “App Marathon: An Innovative Mobile Application to solve our day to day problems” The competition invites Innovative Mobile Application Idea from the school and college students  of UT of J & K. 

The Mobile Application could be related to following fields and not limited to Handicrafts & Traditional Technologies/ Energy Conservation/ Horticulture and Agriculture/ Food Processing/ Grassroot Innovation/ New Products and Services/ Traffic Management.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel 

A two page write – up about the idea and applicability of the idea and how it can be put into practice with the name of the student(s), Name of School / College, Contact details should be submitted to:    with  copy to . The submitted mobile application idea will be evaluated  by an Evaluation Committee comprising of experts from Industry, Academia, Innovation and Entrepreneurship on the criteria of Novelty of the Idea/ Complexity/ Clarity in Details/ Flexibility and Practicality/Scale of impact.

The top fifteen short listed  Idea holders shall be invited to give a presentation (online mode for outstation students) before the Evaluation committee. 

To  support   the  ideation of  our  youth and encourage them to  pursue the  journey further , college  will be giving  a cash prize of ?30,000, ?25000, and ?20000 for  first  three winners respectively and  runners ups will be given a consolation prize of  ?5000 each along with a certificate as well.(KNS)

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