Inauguration Of Annual School Magazine "Gumbad"at HSS Gingal Uri

Nadeem Khawaja Uri

Uri May 28 (KNS): HSS Gingal Uri, celebrated the inauguration of its First Annual School Magazine, "Gumbad," with great enthusiasm and participation from the school community. The event was honored by the presence of Worthy Zonal Education Officer Chandanwari ,Ms. Harmeet Kour Ji, the Principal of HSS Gingal Mr. Ab. Khaliq Ganaie Sb and other notable figures, alongside staff members and students.

The event commenced with a welcome address by Mohammad Shafi Akhoon, Master at HSS Gingal. He warmly welcomed all the attendees and set the stage for the proceedings.

The Principal of HSS Gingal, Ab. Khaliq Ganaie Sb in his address, emphasized the importance of the school magazine as a crucial platform for students. He highlighted that "Gumbad" is not just a collection of writings but a reflection of the students' creativity, hard work, and intellectual growth. He stated, "This magazine represents the collective spirit of our students and staff, showcasing their talents, thoughts, and achievements.
He further elaborated on the diverse content of "Gumbad," which includes articles, essays, poems, artwork, and reports on various school activities and achievements.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe stressed that the magazine provides an opportunity for students to develop their writing and artistic skills, as well as their confidence and ability to express themselves.

In concluding his address, the Principal encouraged all students to continue contributing to future editions of "Gumbad" and to use the magazine as a medium to voice their ideas and opinions.
Ms. Harmeet Kour _Worthy Zonal Education Officer Chandanwari also took the stage to address the gathering. She congratulated everyone on the successful launch of "Gumbad" and emphasized the magazine's role as a milestone for both HSS Gingal and the entire Zone Chandanwari. She praised the hard work and dedication of the students and staff, acknowledging their contributions to the magazine's creation. Ms. Kour Ji declared that "Gumbad" would serve as an inspiration and a source of pride for the school and the community.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks, followed by a group photograph capturing the joyous moment. The atmosphere was filled with excitement and a sense of achievement as the school community celebrated the launch of "Gumbad," looking forward to the opportunities it would provide for student expression and engagement.(KNS)

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