In a rare first, 32-year-old Kupwara tribal woman gives birth to quadruplet in normal delivery

Kupwara October 23 (KNS): In one of the rare cases, a 32-year-old Pahari woman delivered quadruplet - a baby girl and 3 baby boys on Monday at sub district hospital Kupwara, officials said here. 

An official told Kashmir News Service (KNS), that the woman namely Khalida Begum wife Shafqat Bhat of Keran had developed labour pain and was refereed to SDG Kupwara from PHC Keran. 

He said that the woman gave birth quadruplet - a baby girl and 3 baby boys and had a normal deliver. 

This was the first pregnancy of Khalida, and is the first such case in Kupwara district, he said.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel 

Medical superintendent SDH Kupwara, Mir Shafi described it a difficult case and said that it took them over hours to successfully help the woman deliver babies.

He said that this was the first case in more than thousand deliveries done at the SDH Kupwara so far. 

"Quadruplet is extremely rare. In fact in my entire career, I have only seen this one. We seldom deliver twins and occasionally deliver triplets too but quadruplets are extremely rare," he said. (KNS)

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