General Line Teachers Forum calls on, Advisor Bhatnagar in Jammu

 Jammu February 20:(KNS)  A high level delegation of Jammu and Kashmir General Line Teachers Forum on Sunday met, Rajeev Rai Bhatnagar, Advisor to Lieutenant governor in his office chambers at civil secretariat Jammu

According to a statement issued to Kashmir News Service (KNS), The forum discussed many important issues pertaining to improvement of teaching learning process, imparting quality education to students reading in government schools and also issues faced by the teaching community

The various issues that were discussed among others included, Implementation of common curriculum syllabus and books in all schools and improvement in quality and content of books taught at primary level, Promotion of teachers to masters and lecturers,  Removal Of Pay anomaly of 2009 SSRB recruited teachers, Detachment of teachers from offices, Replacement of resource persons aClick Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel0pt;line-height:115%;mso-ansi-language:EN-US">t all levels, Transparency in ATD, Replacement of NPS by OPS, Earned leave of benefit to  teachers engaged in winter tutorials for the years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021, Inter district transfers of teachers, creation of teacher welfare fund, and Recognition of merit, performance and deliverance at all levels

The honourable advisor assured the delegation that all the genuine issues will be addressed at the earliest. He also appreciated the forum for its vision and contribution for the betterment of school education sector in the union territory.(KNS

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