Fire damages Private School Partially in Khore Pattan

Mohsin Khan
Pattan 13 May (KNS):A private school was partially damaged by fire in khore Sherebad Pattan area of North Kashmir Baramulla District on Friday Evening.
Reports reaching to Kashmir News service KNS said that massive fire engulfs office premises of Gousal Azam Memorial high school in khore Sherebad Pattan.
Soon after the incident locals and police reached to the spot to douse off the flames ,they said
An Official told Kashmir News Service (KNS) that fire has been brought under control as major tregedy averted by efforts of locals and police however school has been dameged Partially, they said.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel 
"We are ascertaining the facts but cause of fire was not known immediately",he added.(KNS)

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