Faculty of Forestry, SKUAST-K conducts one day awareness program at Girls School Onagam, Bandipora

Srinagar October 4 (KNS) :  Faculty of Forestry, Division of Social and Basic Sciences, SKUAST-Kashmir conducted one day awareness program on  “Entrepreneurship opportunities in Forestry and allied sectors” under Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME), Govt. of India,  at Govt. Girls School, Onagam,  Bandipora in which unemployed educated youth of the nearby areas participated.

Javaid Jawad the headmaster of the school in his welcome speech advised students to create space for themselves in the competitive world through innovations and Entrepreneurship.  He stressed upon the students to raise questions fearlessly in the classroom. He underscored the importance of interactive sessions of students with academicians, Professors, innovators and entrepreneurs at the school and college level to open doors to new ideas and possibilities that may help students to find their own path of innovation and success.   
        Chief Guest Dr Syed Naseem Geelani, Head, Division of Social & Basic Sciences SKUST-K and Coordinator of the Program in his interactive session with the students spoke at length about the different professional courses offered by the university.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe deliberated upon the importance of forests and the employment opportunities available in the field of forest and allied sectors. Cricket bat industry has a production of 1.5 million bats with an annual turnover of 20 million rupees per annum. Medicinal and Aromatic plants has the potential to contribute about Rs 75 crore annually.    
       Sharing some interesting anecdotes he stressed upon the students to work smartly to achieve great heights in life.        
            Besides students and teachers of GMS Onagam, students and teachers of Boys High School, Onagam and unemployed students also participated in the training and interactive sessions.
                   Headmaster BHS, Onagam Mohammad Iqbal presented the vote of thanks to the visiting faculty and hailed the staff of GMS Onagam for organising such fruitful events for the young students. (KNS)

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