Drug peddler arrested with contraband substance in Baramulla: Police

 Baramulla Jan 11:(KNS) The police on Thursady held on person with contraband substance at Tappar Bala in Baramulla

Reports reaching to KNSPolice party of Police Station Kreeri at a checkpoint established at Tapper Bala, intercepted one person. During search, 30 grams of Heroin like contraband substance was recovered from his possession.

He was identified as Shabir Ahmad Khan son of Mohammad Assadullah Khan resident of Saloosa Kreeri.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe has been arrested and shifted to PS Kreeri where he remained in custody. Also vehicle auto load carrier bearing regn no Jko5f 9694 which was used in carrying narcotics was also seized by police .

Accordingly, case under relevant sections of NDPS Laws have been registered at police Station Kreeri and investigations have been initiated.(KNS)

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