Div Com Kashmir chairs weekly Block Diwas at Ganderbal

Inspects functioning of NTPHC Shalabugh

Inspects functioning of NTPHC Shalabugh

GANDERBAL, MARCH 08:(KNS)  The Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole today visited Ganderbal district and chaired the weekly public outreach programme, Block Diwas in the Conference Hall of Mini Secretariat, here.

Vice-Chairperson, District Development Council (DDC), Bilal Ahmad, Deputy Commissioner, Ganderbal Krittika Jyotsna, SSP Ganderbal, Nikhil Borkar, CPO, ACR, ACD besides other district and sectoral officers of District Administration also participated in the Block Diwas programme.

The programme was also attended by DDC members, BDC Chairpersons, PRIs, Youth Club members and locals of the district.

The PRI representatives apprised the Div Com about various issues including dearth of staff in RDD, desilting of Irrigation khuls, dredging of Tulmulla Nallah, early commissioning of WSSs, improvement and widening of vital roads of the district, dearth of staff in schools, removal of encroachments, fire service facility at Pirpora, playgrounds, motor boat service from Shalabugh to Soura, widening of Nagbal Batapora road, playground at Hatbura and other issues of public importance.

Addressing the Officers, the Div Com said that we are here to address the difficulties and issues of the PRIs as they are elected representatives of the people and are aware about the needs and issues of their area. He urged the officers to respect PRIs and provide requisite information to them whenever they come to their offices adding that we need to attend Public Representatives on a priority basis.

The Div Com asked the PRIs to prioritize the needs of the people while framing the plans and work to the satisfaction of the people so that visible improvement is seen on the ground with regard to development. He further said that funds are limited but the demands are unlimited and it depends on the PRIs to make judicious use of allotted funds. 

He further stressed for framing plans at an earliest for 2022-2023 financial year and estimates shall be followed immediately so that works approved are commissioned within the stipulated time frame.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe also asked the PRIs to consult the concerned officers to check works put in plan as per the set guidelines.

On the occasion, the Div Com gave necessary instructions to the officers to redress the issues raised on priority and assured that all demands would be fulfilled in a time-bound manner. 

Replying the issues of desilting and dredging of irrigation khuls and other important canals in the district, the Div Com directed the I&FC to start the desilting and dredging of irrigation khuls on war footing basis so that necessary works with regard to irrigation is completed before the onset of irrigation season.

Similarly, regarding dredging of Tulmulla Nallah, the Div Com asked the Deputy Commissioner to start cleanliness of the Nallah and submit the estimation for dredging so that the same could be approved.

While addressing the youth club members, the Div Com said that purpose of establishing youth Clubs is to channelize the talent of our young generation in constructive purposes and guide them to earn their livelihood by establishing their own ventures as per their interest and skill adding that in this regard Government provides every kind of facilities, including financial assistance and technical support.

While replying the demand of fire service facility in Pirpora area, the Div Com suggested the PRIs to purchase five to ten fire extinguishers in each panchayat which should be put in public place so that same could be used in case of any fire incident as a first aid and will prove instrumental in saving life and property.

Later, the Div Com visited Shalabugh area and inspected the functioning of newly constructed NTPHC and other ongoing developmental works in the area.(KNS) 

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