Disability cannot weaken a human being : Inam Un Nabi

Budgam, December 4 (KNS) : On the eve of ‘International World Disability Day’ Wheel Chairs Association in collaboration with District Administration Budgam today organized an awareness cum interaction programme at Sheikh Ul Alam (RA) hall at Budgam.

The programme was attended by specially-abled persons from across the district besides Deputy Commissioner Budgam, Syed Fakhruddin Hamid, ADC Dr Nasir Ahmad, DSWO Dr Farhana Syed Asgar and other officers besides Prominent Social Activists Inam Un Nabi and Syed Amaan Geelani .

While welcoming the guests, President Wheel Chairs Association Waseem Mattoo threw light on the importance of the day and spoke about many such initiatives of his organisation which have helped many valley based specially abled persons to live a better life. 

Speaking on the occasion, the Deputy Commissioner (DC) Budgam, Dr. Syed Fakhruddin Hamid highlighted the importance of the day and steps and measures taken by the District Administration and government for welfare of specially-abled persons.
While addressing the gathering , Prominent Social Activist Inam Un Nabi said that there was a need to ensure that “all specially abled children got proper and complete education.” Inam while emphasising on education of specially abled children said that In Jammu & Kashmir there are 2, 04,834 male disabled persons among which 1, 03,730 are literate, 1, 56,319 female with 47,239 literate and 27,939 disabled children.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelInam said it is matter of happiness and joy that we have 8207 disabled male graduates and 3584 female disabled graduate in J&K . Inam further said that disability cannot weaken a human being and said that many have been courageous on various levels while quoting the example of Riyaz Ahmad Beigh JKAS Officer who being otherwise abled, is one of the finest bureaucrat in JK Administration. Inam appreciated efforts of President Wheel Chair Association for leaving no stone unturned to highlight and addresses the issue of specially abled persons.

District Social Welfare officer Dr Farhana Syed Asgar enlisted recent initiatives taken by the department to serve the disabled in the Budgam district. 

ADC Budgam Dr Nasir Ahmad in his emotionally charged speech spoke about the problem which people with disabilities are facing and lavished his praise on the parents of such children who sacrifice their everything to raise their kids in the best possible manner.

Youth leader Khalid Rathore also spoke on the occassion and appreciated Waseem Mattoo for organising the programe and assured all possible help and assistance to Wheel Chair Association.(KNS) 

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