Democratic setup critical to inclusive development, prosperity in J&K: G.A.Mir

Holds public interactions, expresses dismay over people’s problems, rising unemployment

Holds public interactions, expresses dismay over people’s problems, rising unemployment

Anantnag May 4 (KNS): Former J&K Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) Chief and AICC Observer Ghulam Ahmad Mir on Thursday stated that democratic setup is critical to inclusive development and prosperity in Jammu and Kashmir.
Mir was interacting with various local delegations during his public outreach programme at Panchayat Halqas Hiller Arhama, Bhaie, Lisser Chawalgam, Voi Bemdora, Ratherpora and main Sagam in Doru Segment of South Kashmir and expressed dismay over the multiple issues confronting common people.
AICC Observer accompanied by Senior Party Colleagues held series of party workers’ meetings in which threadbare discussions were held over the multiple issues concerning people at grass roots in absence of the elected Govt while he (Mir) urged the Party cadres to vigorously highlight  and take up the peoples issues particularly shortage of electricity, poor and sub-standard supply of ration, lack of development, unprecedented price hike and extreme joblessness with the administration and seek resolution.
Mir said both Centre and its remote-Controlled J&K Administration has failed people on all counts, besides abandoning them of their democratic rights aiming to hide failures and the betrayal it (BJP) has done to people J&K after promising restoration of Statehood and elections in J&K in the Parliament, which has not happened so far, as that, Modi Govt doesn’t want that J&K people elect their own Govt for the reasons known to it (Centre Govt).Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
Congress Party will continue to raise voice against BJP’s betrayal and deceitful policies towards J&K, it will never compromise on people’s rights and issues, Mir added and warned that anti J&K Policies adopted by the Centre Govt were fraught with serious consequences while cautioning the BJP about the fallout of its misadventures and experiments being done on J&K.
People were confronted with tremendous hardships on every count which are not being taken care rather BJP Govt is adopting diversionary tactics to hide utter failures, Former JKPCC Chief averred.(KNS)

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