Defunct swap machines irks Sopore shopkeepers

Syed Fayaz
Sopore, Sep 10 (KNS): Shopkeepers and business units in north Kashmir’s apple town Sopore on Thursday expressed displeasure against defunct swap machines of J&K bank and appealed concern authorities to take note of it.
According to aggrieved shopkeepers, the swap machines provided them are defunct since couple of months following which they are facing hardships in making transactions.
They said the concern bank is continuously deducting an amount of 650 per month for providing the facility to its consumers but miserably the facility is not working from months.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
They alleged that despite repeated communiqué by locals to concern institution nothing has been sorted out so far.
They appealed authorities of the J&K bank to kindly take of the matter and address the genuine grievance at an earliest (KNS)


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