CUK students express surprise over decision of conducting exam amid pandemic, appeals LG to favor the community

Srinagar, August 25 (KNS): Students of Central University of Kashmir on Tuesday expressed surprise over the decision taken by University authorities regarding conduct of offline exams in coming days.
Talking to Kashmir News Service (KNS), students said that the decision of CUK authorities seems taken in haste amid absence of high speed internet services and Covid-19 pandemic. They said instead of conducting exams, CUK authorities should first evacuate University buildings where political workers have been kept.
“In middle of pandemic lockdown, first the Girls Hostel of CUK Duderhama Ganderbal Campus was turned into quarantine centre for Covid-19 infected patients and now authorities recently let the hostel open for political leaders who have been kept their after spike in militant activities on panchs, sarpanchs, BDCs etc in parts of Valley, but it is unfortunate on part of CUK authorities who didn’t bother to inform hostel management”, students said.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel
“Besides uncertainty in the campus, non-availability of internet facility has also taken heavy toll on our studies”, they said.
They added that now CUK authorities have decided to conduct the offline final end semester examination in such a dreadful situation when divisional administration has imposed particular restrictions over assembly of people. They questioned how come it is possible to conduct examination at a time when people are being exhorted upon to maintain social distance amid huge spike in Covid-19 caseloads.
Students further added that when they approached CUK authorities to revisit the decision they seemed reluctant to revoke the decision.
They appealed Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha to intervene into the issue and take concrete efforts in favor of students whose education has got hard hit since August 5, 2019. (KNS) 

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