CS interacts with Student of SKUAST-K in Foundation Programme IRTIQA

 Srinagar December 28 (KNS) : Dr Mehta Chief Secretary UT of Jammu & Kashmir today interacted with students of SKUAST-Kashmir on the eve of Foundation Programme-IRTIQA-22.

The event was attended by Prof. N. A. Ganai, Vice Chancellor SKUAST-K, Directors, Deans, Officers of the university along with students of SKUAST-K.

Prof. N. A. Ganai, Vice Chancellor SKUAST-K welcomed the Chief Guest Dr Arun Kumar Mehta (IAS) Chief Secretary UT of JK and appraised the audience of different programmes of the government that have been initiated to bring in transparency and efficiency in the system. Chief Guest Dr Arun Kumar Mehta while addressing the audience highlighted the importance of thinking out-of-box in order to create opportunities in order to imbibe entrepreneurship skills which plays pivotal role in the development of a nation. He gave an insight into the futuristic scope of digital agriculture and mentioned that it will be a necessity within next 5 years. He urged all the students to be a good human being which is very important for development of a responsible society. The chief guest interacted with the students at the end of the session by answering the questions posed by different students of SKUAST-Kashmir
Prof. M A A Siddiqui, Dean Students Welfare, SKUAST-K, briefed Chief Guest about the elements of Foundation Programme and its expected impact on the GenNext.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe thanked the chief guest for sharing his thoughts with the budding professionals from SKUAST-Kashmir.
He also thanked Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-K along with the officers of the university. He appreciated Student Welfare Officers of all the faculties/colleges for their efforts in organizing the foundation programme IRTIQA-22.
The programme was attended by about 1150 students of SKUAST-Kashmir. The students went for a terrestrial rally across Dal Lake in order to spread awareness about the conservation of heritage sites.
The terrestrial rally was organized by Department of Students Welfare in collaboration with Lakes Conservation & Management Authority (LCMA) Srinagar. Vice Chancellor, SKUAST-Kashmir along with Vice Chairman of LCMA addressed the students and appraised them about the conservation of water-bodies and gave an insight into the important role of water-bodies in our lives. Dean Students Welfare along with Project Officer (LCMA) Ghazala Abdullah and all student welfare officers accompanied the students in the rally. (KNS) 

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