Councilor Irfan Ali visits SDH Sopore, Inspects patient care wards, reviews heating arrangements in Hospital

Waris Fayaz

Sopore, Jan 05 (KNS): Councilor Irfan Ali visited Sub District Hospital (SDH) Sopore to inspect patient care and medical services being provided.

During his visit Councilor interacted with the patients and attendants and enquired about the facility being provided to them in the hospital.

He also inspected various wards of the hospital and took stock of the medical facilities being provided to the patients.

Councilor exhorted upon the concerned authorities to ensure patients are taken care of with utmost dedication and sincerity at the institution.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

He directed concerned officials to make the heating system fully operational in hospital, besides ensuring adequate heating arrangements in patient wards and other sections of the SDH.

He also discussed with officials about various public grievances. He urged the officers to make reasonable arrangements for the winter so that people do not face any difficulties. (KNS)

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