CIC operators of RDD pin hopes on sub-committee meeting to be hold today

Srinagar, Mar 11 (KNS): CIC operators of RDD have pinned high hopes on a high level meeting of the Sub–Committee constituted to be held under the Chairmanship of Additional Chief Secretary, Atal Duloo today at Civil Secretariat Jammu.

In a statement, issued to Kashmir News Service (KNS), CIC operators said they have been appointed on merit basis through proper recruitment procedure by District Level Committees constituted by the Government of J&K headed by Deputy Commissioners of concerned districts in 2004, however, they are facing a lot of hardships to feed their families on a meagre salary of Rs 10, 000 per month.
“We are living a miserable and distress life and unable to survive on Rs10,000. We also couldn’t provide proper education to our children," they said.
They said that no salary hike was made in their favour for the last last 11 years. "In year 2014, J&K Government passed a cabinet order to formulate a proposal for the regularization of 172 CIC operators working in RDD following which in year 2016 the government through its Cabinet decision created 172 Data Entry Operators for regularization of their services vide Govt. Order No. 320-RD & PR of 2016 dated 14.12.2016."
They further said that in 2017, the Empowered Committee of J&K Government vide its 58th Meeting dated 22.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel03.2017 and 60th Meeting dated 12-10-2017 headed by Principal Secretary, Finance Department J&K cleared our cases for regularization under Special Provision Act 2010. 
“The recommendations have also been communicated to the Department of RD & PR by the Finance Department J&K for issuing regularization orders as Data Entry Operators vide O.M No. PS/DC/Misc-353/14 dated 22-05-2017, O.M. No. PS/SC/Misc-374/14 dated 24-01-2018 and O.M No.PS/DC/Misc-353/14 dated 01-06-2014."
They said that the file got consent from the Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Department and also got consent from the Advocate General of J&K for regularization of all 172 CIC Operators, however, till date no regularization order has been issued.
"In January 2022, lastly GAD incorporated the issues of CIC Operators of Rural Development Department under the purview of the Sub-committee constituted vide order No. 1081-JK(GAD) of 2021 dated 13.10.2021."
They appealed to the chairman and all the members of the Sub-Committee to redress their long pending regularization issue and hoped that good decisions will be taken for our securing their future. (KNS)

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