BJP firm on AFSPA revocation, NC need not to raise fingers: Kavinder

AFSPA was the gift of Kashmir-centric parties to erstwhile state

AFSPA was the gift of Kashmir-centric parties to erstwhile state

Jamu March 27 (KNS): Kavinder Gupta, senior BJP leader and former Deputy Chief Minister, has reiterated the Party's steadfast determination towards the revocation of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) in Jammu and Kashmir.
In a statement issued here today, Kavinder said that Omar Abdullah’s statement is like Ulta Chor Kotwal Ko Daante, because the imposition of AFSPA was the gift of Kashmir-centric parties including National Conference (NC) which were solely responsible for the deterioration of situation in Kashmir.
Reacting over Omar Abdullah's remarks on the delay in the removal of AFSPA, Kavinder said, "The Bharatiya Janata Party remains resolute in its commitment to national security and will not compromise on measures necessary to maintain peace and stability in Jammu and Kashmir."
"It is essential to understand that the decision to revoke AFSPA is based on a comprehensive assessment of ground realities and security imperatives. This cannot be dictated by political expediency or electoral considerations," he said.
The senior BJP leader commended the Modi government’s commitment to ensuring stability and tranquillity in Jammu and Kashmir, and viewed the potential removal of AFSPA as a significant step towards peace and normalcy in Jammu and Kashmir.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe asserted that the BJP-led government at the Center has consistently prioritized the welfare and security of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. Any insinuation otherwise is misleading and politically motivated," he added.
He said "Omar's attempts to draw parallels with other regions and raise doubts about the government's intentions are unwarranted. The BJP remains committed to upholding the unity and integrity of India, including the safeguarding of the rights of all its citizens."
Kavinder affirmed “BJP trusts the wisdom of our security forces and the due diligence of the government in assessing the situation in Jammu and Kashmir. I suggest Omar and other political leaders to refrain from politicizing such sensitive matters of national security and instead work towards fostering peace and prosperity in the Union Territory."(KNS)

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