Azad asks DAP leaders to launch mass contact programme

JAMMU SEPT 30 (KNS) : Former Chief Minister Jammu and Kashmir Ghulam Nabi Azad today held a meeting with key leaders from Jammu region including Ex Ministers, Ex MLAs, DDC members, BDC members and discussed political scenario obtaining in the J&K UT. Mr Azad asked the party leaders to hit the ground and launch a mass contact programme to mobilise public support in favour of Democratic Azad Party ahead of the forthcoming Assembly elections. Mr Azad said that DAP is committed to strengthen the communal harmony and social fabric. All the leaders, took a pledge to strengthen the party at the grass root level. Our party is committed to assuage the urges and aspirations of every segment of the society in all the regions and sub-regions, Mr Azad said.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelHe said the cadre must reach out to the people and help them to get solutions to their problems.

Among those who attended the meeting were, Former Dy CM Tara Chand, Former Minister G.M.Saroori, Former Minister R.S.Chib, Former Minister Jugal Kishore, Former Minister Majid Wani, Former Minister Manohar Lal Sharma, Former Minister Gharu Ram, Ex MLA Balwan Singh, Ex Chairman A.S Mickey, Ex MLC Naresh Gupta, Aslam Goni, Ex MLC Subash Gupta, Ex MLC Sham Lal Bhagat, Ex MLA Ashok Sharma, Salman Nizami, Vinod Mishra, Riyaz Naz, Hira Lal Abrol, Maheshwar Singh, H Hiralal Abrol, Sobat Ali, Gourav Chopra, Ashwani Handa, Ashwani Khajuria, Brij Mohan & others.(KNS) 

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