Army sponsors two Kupwara karate players to take part in Karate Championship 2022

 Kupwara February 23:(KNS) The Army on Wednesday sponsored two Kupwara Karate players to take part in Karate Championship 2022.

According to a statement issued to Kashmir News Service (KNS), Two young karate players, Aaqib Nabi Reshi S/O Ghulam Nabi Reshi R/O Manzhar and Akthar Mishra Ganie , S/O Mushtaq Ahmed Ganie, R/O Hyhama are taking part in J&K UT KARATE CHAMPIONSHIP 2022, to be held on 5th and 6th March 2022. 
To motivate them to pursue karate unhindered without any financial burdens, Indian Army today sponsored their expenditure to take part in the Championship.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelBoth the players along with their trainer Sensei Aijaz Ahmed were invited and falicitated along with Rs 7500/- each to assist them for participation. Both the boys were wished good luck and told to strive hard to bring laurels to their family and village. (KNS) 

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