Army felicitates Jiu-Jitsu player in Bandipora

Srinagar, Mar 22 (KNS): In continuation with the endeavor of the Indian Army to connect with the youth and promote sports culture in the remote Bandipora district of North Kashmir, Bandipora RR Bn felicitated Miss Sobkat Malik, r/o Bandipora for her spectacular performance in Jiu-Jitsu World Championship qualifier held in Bangkok from 24-28 Feb 2023.

Sabkat Malik D/o Mohammad Maqbool Malik, is a resident of Malik Mohalla, Wajhera. Since her childhood, she had the ambition of becoming a Jiu-Jitsu player and represent India in the international arena. Under the able guidance and training of her coach, Mr Muzaffar Ahmad, she has numerous outstanding achievements in the field of Jiu-Jitsu.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp ChannelRecently she has also qualified for Jiu-Jitsu world championship to be held in Jun-Jul 2023 in Magnolia.

14 RR Bn felicitated Miss Sabkat Malik for her marvelous achievement and extended financial and other assistance for her quest for success. The Battalion also assured her for full support in her stint in becoming the world champion and hopes that Miss Sabkat Malik motivates other youth in the area to follow her footstep and bring glory to Kashmir and India in various sporting events.(KNS)

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