Arif Liagroo expresses concern over erratic power supply in Srinagar

Srinagar, Nov 20 (KNS): PDP leader and constituency incharge Habba Kadal Arif Liagroo expressed significant worries about the power outages in the several areas of Srinagar city. 

Arif Liagroo said that "life in the Srinagar city has further degraded" due to the exceedingly bad power supply.

While low voltage sometimes plays hide and seek, the electricity is off most of the day due to which students and business community is badly suffering.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel

He urged the administration to enhance power supplies as needed. The winter in Kashmir has harsh characteristics, PDD has to improve its power supply to ensure least inconvence to consumers, he said.  

He urged the administration to come up with a solid and smooth curtailment schedule. Arif also urged the people to use the electricity judiciously to ensure that the electricity is not getting wasted or misused.(KNS)

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