All shops open in Pantha Chowk except few mechanical, scrap shops inside yatra camp: Police

SSP Srinagar says shop owners asked to get verification done; Requests media houses to get confirmation from admin first over sensitive matters during yatra period

SSP Srinagar says shop owners asked to get verification done; Requests media houses to get confirmation from admin first over sensitive matters during yatra period

Srinagar, June 29 (KNS): Srinagar police on Wednesday said that all shops were open in Pantha Chowk except a few mechanical and scrap shops inside the Yatra camp, who were asked to get their verification done, instead they opted to protest. 

Senior superintendent of police Srinagar told Kashmir News Service (KNS) that the mechanical and scrap shop owners were asked to get verification done and operate their shops, instead pf doing that they opted to protest under some influence of some vested interest. 

He said that all shops are completely open in the entire Srinagar district including Pantha Chowk, except about a dozen or more mechanical and scrap shops inside the yatra camp campus.Click Here To Follow Our WhatsApp Channel 

SSP added that there was some story doing rounds that shops have been closed in Pantha Chowk, which is totally baseless. 

Meanwhile, he requested media houses to get confirmation from Administration before doing sweeping stories on such sensitive matters during yatra period, which can be used by subversive elements to peddle fake narratives. (KNS)

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